Devara part 1 revolves around a fearless man named *Devara, played by Jr NTR, who embodies courage and determination. Set against the backdrop of stunning coastal landscapes, Devara part 1 embarks on a perilous sea voyage to safeguard his community from impending threats. However, the plot thickens as his own brother, **Bhairava, harbors a deep-seated betrayal, plotting against Devara to seize their family’s inheritance. Amidst this turmoil, their timid son *Vardha is caught in the conflict, adding emotional depth to the narrative. This tale of bravery and familial conflict highlights the struggle between good and evil, making it a compelling watch.
Devraya’s love interest, adding a romantic subplot to the drama.
Supporting Cast
Includes Sharuti Marathe, Prakash Raj, Srikanth Shine, and Tome Chacko, each contributing to the film’s rich narrative tapestry.
About Jr NTR
May 20, 1983
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Other Names
Tarak, Young Tiger, Man of Masses
Career Span
Jr NTR began his career as a child artist in 1991 and has been a leading actor since 2001. This film marks his 30th movie as a lead, showcasing his growth in the industry.
Personal Life
He is married to Lakshmi Pranathi and has two children. Jr NTR is deeply rooted in his family, which adds authenticity to his performances.
A rousing number that showcases the film’s climax.
With an impressive budget and a stellar cast, Devara part 1 is poised to be a landmark film for Jr NTR, marking his return to the big screen after six years in a solo role. As a pan-India release, it aims to reach diverse audiences and deliver a powerful story of legacy, love, and betrayal. Fans eagerly anticipate how this ambitious project will unfold, making it one of the most awaited films of 2024.